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beetroot - SABINA (BEMA-1097)

High-quality organic beetroot seeds for healthy farming
Plant CodeSABINA (BEMA-1097)
Plant TypeImproved
Root ColourMedium Red
Root Flesh ColourCrimson Colour
Root ShapeRound to flat round
Average Root Weight (g)55-70
Silent Features
  • Roots are uniform and very sweet in taste


Organic Beetroot Seeds (Plant Code: SABINA (BEMA-1097)) are an ideal choice for those looking to grow sweet, nutritious beetroots in their gardens.


  • PlantType:Improved
  • RootColour:Medium Red
  • RootFleshColour:Crimson
  • RootShape:Round to flat round
  • AverageRootWeight_g:55-70 grams
  • Maturity:55-60 days


Beetroots are rich in essential nutrients such as folate, manganese, and dietary nitrates that support heart health and improve blood flow. Growing your own beetroots allows you to enjoy their sweet taste fresh from the garden.

Usage Instructions

To plant, choose a sunny location with well-drained soil. Sow seeds about 1 inch apart and water consistently. Expect a harvest within 55 to 60 days. These seeds are also NPOP certified, ensuring quality organic practices. Buy now to start growing your own beetroots!

beetroot - RASHMI (BEMA-1011)

High-quality organic beetroot seeds for healthy farming
Plant CodeRASHMI (BEMA-1011)
Plant TypeHybrid
Root ColourBlood Red
Root Flesh Colour
Root ShapeRounded
Average Root Weight (g)75-80
Silent Features
  • Roots are very sweet


Organic Beetroot Seeds (Plant Code: SABINA (BEMA-1097)) are an ideal choice for those looking to grow sweet, nutritious beetroots in their gardens.


  • PlantType:Improved
  • RootColour:Medium Red
  • RootFleshColour:Crimson
  • RootShape:Round to flat round
  • AverageRootWeight_g:55-70 grams
  • Maturity:55-60 days


Beetroots are rich in essential nutrients such as folate, manganese, and dietary nitrates that support heart health and improve blood flow. Growing your own beetroots allows you to enjoy their sweet taste fresh from the garden.

Usage Instructions

To plant, choose a sunny location with well-drained soil. Sow seeds about 1 inch apart and water consistently. Expect a harvest within 55 to 60 days. These seeds are also NPOP certified, ensuring quality organic practices. Buy now to start growing your own beetroots!